Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Next Day, A New Day.

You're half sitting-half lying on the bed, half asleep-half awake. A little confused, a little certain. A little disappointed, a little ecstatic.
Thinking about what's going on. If it's for real or not.
People care. Yes, they do. But for how long? Will they, won't they?
You meet different people, make new friends, lose out on old ones. Is it fair?
You love, feel loved. But the love dies. Makes way for questions. And more questions.
You trust, blindly. But it goes away. Leaves just doubts.
You give, you happily give. But are too afraid to ask.
You're friends feel like strangers, and strangers are your new confidants.
You curse, you thank, you swear, you appreciate, you love, you hate, you laugh, you cry.
You're holding your ground, and yet you seem lost.
You've been hurt, and you still don't want to cry.
You don't drink, but are never sober.
You have everything, but it seems nothing.
You have nothing, but it is your everything.
You live in the present, but worry about the future.
You live in the present, but regret the past.
You err, you forgive.
You decide, you forget.
You live, you learn.
You learn, you die. . .